As the world revolves around the Sun, it also revolves on its own axis.
As my mind spins around in circles the wheels on a bus, I continue to stay fixated on personal matters.
Same route, different stops.
Childhood dreams and adult illusions together present color contrasts, as they blend somewhere in between primary thoughts and secondary beliefs.
I take for granted the transparency of the blue, life-giving waters.
I congest its natural flow with my case of yellow fever
And as a result I become envious in a color vivid than the green grass I wish I walked on.
As my mind spins around in circles the wheels on a bus, I continue to stay fixated on personal matters.
Same route, different stops.
Childhood dreams and adult illusions together present color contrasts, as they blend somewhere in between primary thoughts and secondary beliefs.
I take for granted the transparency of the blue, life-giving waters.
I congest its natural flow with my case of yellow fever
And as a result I become envious in a color vivid than the green grass I wish I walked on.