Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Replacement Issues

(Date of writing this poem: July 13-14, 2011
This is meant to be read in two different ways...)

We have to talk: it's over.
I feel bad about it.
We can get through this.
I hope we can stay friends.
Awkward silence.
Outward defiance.
Shedding on my bedding.
With power, pleasure, and pain.

Who's my next target?
Too many to choose from.
I get plenty of sleep.
Something was missing.
On to the next one.
I was a heartbreaker.
I'm afraid of commitment… 
Instead of asking why…

Bitches be bitches.
And pussy be pussy.

We broke up.
I'm all choked up.
I gotta stay strong.
But what did I do wrong?
Emotional violence.
Former alliance.
Blowing my nose.
A kiss from a rose

Who will I love now?
Move on, how?
My eyes never shut.
I never knew what.
I should have spoken.
Now I'm heartbroken.
Afraid of loving again.
The question is when.

Pricks be pricks.
And dick be dick.

We have to talk: It's over. We broke up.
I feel bad about it. I'm all choked up.
We can get through this. I gotta stay strong.
I hope we can stay friends. But what did I do wrong?
Awkward silence. Emotional violence.
Outward defiance. Former alliance.
Shedding on my bedding. Blowing my nose
With power, pleasure, and pain. A kiss from a rose

Bitches be bitches. Pricks be pricks.
But pussy be pussy. And dick be dick.

Who's my next target? Who will I love now?
Too many to choose from. Move on, how?
I get plenty of sleep. My eyes never shut.
Something was missing, I never knew what.
On to the next one. I should have spoken.
I was a heartbreaker. Now I'm heartbroken.
I'm afraid of commitment… afraid of loving again.
Instead of asking why… the question is when.

Bitches be bitches. Pricks be pricks.
Pussy be pussy. And dick be dick.

Live life as you may, live with no regrets
Just remember: It's hard to forgive, impossible to forget

No one can replace you. NO ONE can replace you.

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