Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dis is Me (and You)

Dis is me... and dis is you:

Dedicated to the privileged and how you treat the oppressed

You're dissin' us with your innocence
Your dismissive dissonance
Your disrespectful display of dis is unnecessary
We've disappeared into great dispair

The dispear of disparity is no parody
It's a pair of D-I-S's that, together, create messes instead of clarity
It's now a rarity to see
The prosperity of the sincerity of you and me

We won't be missed, but we will be dissed
When you blow life a pair of kisses:
One hits us, and one misses; you will miss us
As soon as you find out what kind of Hell dis is

Ignorance is bliss. And knowledge is power
Scramble the statements and you get patience for greatness... at the eleventh hour

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