Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Bunt in the Dark

Piercing brains with untold secrets
Slicing through the gray matter like a car on a misty night;
Apparently reading subtle signals,
Yet the mystery has them missing my destination.

So I take the wheel and drive with caution,
Meticulously, confirming I don’t die of exhaustion.
Tired of dreary, eyes weary, dew falls down the windshield
Reflecting the beads of sweat rolling down my cheeks. The infield
Moves in as I choke up and lay down the ultimate sacrifice.

Lightning strikes, and it hits me:
It’s not about a line drive that brings you in.
Rather it’s focusing on the little things to win.

Set the pace, take a breath and a base;
Get dirt on your shirt;

And lay it down for the crown.

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